This will be For Ladies Only's First NYE Bash! Help us bring 2014 in with Bang! We want everyone to bring a friend and meet some new friends/associates for 2014. Help us meet our goal of having a more interactive community among women. We don't have to all see eye to eye to be supportive and get along in our community as one. We should be able to have our own All Girl motorcycle club, social club, club house, parties, etc. while supporting and building one another. So, come out and lets have a Free champagne toast to the 2014 New Year and a New community. LIKE our fan page for event details. Keep FLOin'
A blog about FLO Entertainment Group's thoughts, plans, and everyday life situations. Gives you a more personal view of For Ladies Only. Experience the FLO with THE FLO!
Hair Affinity
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
For Ladies Only 2014 NYE Bash
Monday, December 9, 2013
WrapUp to Christmas Rewind
The Rewind for December was amazing! New faces everytime we REWIND? You can't beat that! Smiling faces, dancing feet, and mingling ladies all from Greenville's Finest Grown & Sexy in the LGBT community!
We are One whether you want to be or not. Though we may not seem to understand things WE ABSOLUTELY do not judge Anyone without Exception! For Ladies Only is organized by two lesbians so when we communicate that is the stand point that we communicate from...Lesbians. Please do not take offense or be led by misguided people that have no clue. We want everyone to have a drama free fun time at all of our events. We're gonna REWIND in a positive light! Help us do that by attending our events every First Saturday.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Nelson Mandela has Passed Away!
His presence will be missed but is work still lives.
Join the FLO!
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
For Ladies Only Getaways
We have some exciting For Ladies Only Getaways planned! Nik and I are always excited when we can bring like minded women together. I know there has been at least one time that you have been single and didn't have anywhere to meet other women. Just wished you could go somewhere you didn't have to wonder that Big question...Is she gay? Now don't get me wrong we mingle with straight crowds but Love to mingle with the lgbt community. After all, we may cater to women but our parties are open to All. With this in mind we are including you in trips that we have planned for ourselves. If you are a member of the online group we would appreciate it, if you would accept the consideration of responding to the events that we post.
We want everyone to enjoy our next planned trip in 2014. There will be a trip to Harrah's Cherokee in February $40 round trip $20 food and/or game credit (details will be on facebook Flo Getaways event page). Deposits are still being accepted for the Freakfest 2014 All Girl Exreavaganza in Florida. And if you haven't seen the details check the event page. That is, as long as you're 25+. We have to party with adults, children get you into trouble. Sometimes adults can let their high school side come out and we always ask that you leave her/him at home too! We don't do Drama AT ALL!
The last bus trip we organized was to Atlanta, Ga. which aided in building new friendships. This trip along with others is designed to do the same -build association while having fun! Keep FLO'in
Saturday, November 30, 2013
For Ladies Only Getaways
Some of the events we list we do not sponsor and it will just be for information purposes only. As of now, we are on Facebook but we do have a website that will give you some incite on our monthly Rewind Party, pictures of events, etc.
Here's the link to For Ladies Only Getaways. The most recent sponsored trip is to Freakfest 2014 in Florida. The deposits are due today 11/30/13 you will have more time but the rate is subject to change. So, contact us for more information. Now doesn't this sound like fun. And for the next day trip we will be going to Harrah's Cherokee so get your gambling arm ready!!!!!
Come join the FLO and travel with us as we unite women and build relationships.
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
Top Turkey Tips
1. Always thaw turkey in the refrigerator. The safest way to be sure it's thawed out is 5hrs per pound.
2. For crispier skin, unwrap turkey the day before cooking
3. Low heat and high heat cooking has its advantages. Cook the turkey an average of 20 minutes per pound at 325' F. If you don't mind splitting the turkey you can cook it at 8 minutes per pound on 450'F
4. To cook evenly Do Not pack turkey full of stuffing. Cooks better with celery, bell pepper, onions, garlic, & carrots fitting loosely in cavity. Cook stuffing with stock of turkey separately
5. Leave turkey untrussed
6. Scatter cut up chunks of onion garlic etc both inside cavity and in pan to aide in seasoning the stock. This will add tons of flavor!
7. Remove your turkey when the thickest part between the leg and the breast reads 165'F
8. Once done tent it loosely with foil for a half an hour before carving. Can sit up to an hour before it starts to cool.
9. Carve using the sharpest knife possible. Take the legs and wings off first. Cut straight through the joint.
Monday, November 25, 2013
Thanksgiving for Us.
In twelve years Nik and I have spent less than half of our Thanksgivings together during the day. But we always come together at night and share food from relatives and laugh about who did what.
The last time I even desired to cook such a big dinner was three years ago. I remember that was the year I decided I would invite everyone and my aunt passed away so that was a no go for me.
Nik and I have been together so long I think we both understand that we like to be with our family and agree to come together later that night. Its almost as if it were a date night of family stories between us. Laughing, crying, and sharing. What an awesome feeling it is to have someone to share the little things. Two more days left til Turkey Day!